Direct First Class Air Mail and FedEx Air
To get First Class Package International and FedEx rates, please select your Country, Province, and Postal Code within our Shopping Cart and click the Calculate Shipping button. You may then complete your order by clicking Goto Checkout, Checkout with PayPal, or Amazon Pay.
We ship directly by First Class and FedEx Express to the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada (FedEx Ground is also available to Canada), Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.
FedEx CrossBorder
We ship to the entire world via the FedEx CrossBorder service. If you live in a country other than the ones listed above, or if you have a FedEx CrossBorder account, you are most welcome use this ultra fast service.
To place your order through FedEx CrossBorder, click on the "Are You Outside The U.S.A.?" button within our Shopping Cart. You will be automatically transferred to FedEx CrossBorder Secure International Checkout page where you will be provided with international shipping costs as well as duties and taxes for your shipment.
Upon completion of your order, FedEx CrossBorder will charge your credit card for the entire purchase. We will ship the goods to FedEx CrossBorder Global Distribution Facility where FedEx will process the order and transport the goods to your international address. There are no additional fees or registration processes with this service.